Are You BREF Compliant?

by | Mar 16, 2023 | CEMs, Latest News

Waste incineration plant operators only have until 3rd December to be compliant with the new Emission Limit Values (ELVs) as specified in the BAT conclusions.

Waste Incineration

The monitoring of emissions to air represents an important element in preventing and reducing pollution from industrial installations to meet new climate change targets.

Waste Incineration (WI) BREF was developed for the monitoring of emissions to air on WI plants which fall under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).  ELVs are set to ensure that emissions do not exceed the Best Available Techniques (BAT) Associated Emission Levels (BATAELs).

The reference document was published in December 2019 and tightened controls regarding the emissions of NOX, SO2, HCl, HF, Mercury, CO2, and Dioxins.

New Permit, New ELVs

UK incinerators built before 2019 will receive a new environmental permit in 2023 in line with the new ELVs.

If necessary, retrofitting work must be done to ensure that BATs are implemented.

Therefore, operators must be mindful that their existing Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEM) might not meet the new, reduced ELVs.


Meet Your Regulatory Requirement With a1-cbiss

a1-cbiss provide guidance for the application of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) conclusions before the deadline of 3rd December 2023.

To ensure that the operations meet the revised standards, we help;

  • Define permitted monitoring requirements
  • Update reporting software
  • Offer the best-in-class measurement systems for emissions to air.

Contact us

Check-in with a1-cbiss, we’ll update you with what you need to do to make sure you are BREF compliant

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